# Creating a color custom field

This guide describes step-by-step instructions on how to create a "color" custom field that can be used in Strapi's admin panel. For a more complete description of the APIs, please refer to the custom fields reference documentation.

To add a "color" type to the list of existing fields available in the Content-Type Builder, you can create a β€œcolor” custom field. This would require:

  1. creating a "color-picker" plugin,
  2. registering a new "color" custom field on the back-end of Strapi using strapi-server.js,
  3. and registering the new "color" custom field on the front-end part of Strapi using strapi-admin.js, passing a few components and options to be used in the admin panel.

# Creating a "color-picker" plugin

Custom fields are plugins. Before registering our color picker custom field, use the Create a plugin section from the plugins development documentation to create, enable and build a plugin named "color-picker".

Once the plugin is ready, you should see a color-picker folder at ./src/plugins and it should include at least a strapi-admin.js and a strapi-server.js file.

# Registering the custom field on the server

To register the "color" custom field on the Strapi server, replace the content of the strapi-server.js file of the previously created color-picker plugin with the following code example:

// path: ./src/plugins/color-picker/strapi-server.js

module.exports = {
  register({ strapi }) {
  // Registering the custom field in the back-end of Strapi
      name: 'color',
      plugin: 'color-picker',
      type: 'text',

# Registering the custom field in the admin panel

To register the "color" custom field in Strapi's admin panel, we will replace the content of the strapi-admin.js file of the previously created color-picker plugin.

The example code provides the components, the name of the field and its underlying data type. For more control, the code also adds an option to let the user select the color format in the base settings of the custom field plugins.

To add a "color" custom field to the admin panel:

  1. Create a ./src/plugins/color-picker/admin/src/Input.js file and copy and paste the following code example in this file:

    // TODO: ask devs for the Input component code
  2. Create a ./src/plugins/color-picker/admin/src/View.js file and copy and paste the following code example in this file:

    // TODO: ask devs for the View component code
  3. Register the custom field, its components and options in Strapi's admin panel by replacing the content of ./src/plugins/color-picker/strapi-admin.js with the following code:

    // path: ./src/plugins/color-picker/strapi-admin.js
    register(app) {
      // Registering the custom field in the back-end of Strapi
        name: "color",
        pluginId: "color-picker",
        type: "text", // store the color as a text 
        intlLabel: {
          id: "color-picker.color.label",
          defaultMessage: "Color",
        intlDescription: {
          id: "color-picker.color.description",
          defaultMessage: "Select any color",
        icon: ColorIcon,
        components: {
          Input: async () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "input-component" */ "./Input"),
          View: async () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "view-component" */ "./View"),
        options: {
          base: [
              sectionTitle: {
                id: 'color-picker.color.section.format',
                defaultMessage: 'Format',
              items: [
                  intlLabel: {
                    id: 'color-picker.color.format.label',
                    defaultMessage: 'Color format',
                  name: 'options.format',
                  type: 'select',
                  value: 'hex',
                  options: [
                      key: 'hex',
                      value: 'hex',
                      metadatas: {
                        intlLabel: {
                          id: 'color-picker.color.format.hex',
                          defaultMessage: 'Hexadecimal',
                      key: 'rgba',
                      value: 'rgba',
                      metadatas: {
                        intlLabel: {
                          id: 'color-picker.color.format.rgba',
                          defaultMessage: 'RGBA',
          advanced: [],
          validator: (args) => ({
            'color-picker': yup.object().shape({
              format: yup.string().oneOf(['hex', 'rgba']),

That's it! Your "color" type should be available in the Content-Types Builder. πŸ₯³

When a user adds an attribute to a content type using our β€œcolor” custom field, the schema.json looks like the following:

// path:  

  // …
  "attributes": {
    "<attributeName>": { // will be replaced by the actual attribute name
      "type": "customField",
      "customField": "plugin::color-picker.color",
      "options": {
        "format": "hex"
    // …
  // …

πŸ’‘ TIP

To make the custom field available to the community, it can be converted to an npm package (see turning a plugin as a npm package).